I love America, because we believe "Our rights are not given to us by man; our rights come from our Creator," says President Donald J. Trump.

I love America, because we believe "Our rights are not given to us by man; our rights come from our Creator," says President Donald J. Trump.
National Emergency. USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook alternative. With many people joining us we need to add more servers. Can you help? Every $25 and $100 makes a difference. Those donating $1,000 or more get their name on the Founders Wall. Donate now: https://w.usa.life/product/usa....-life-save-freedom-f
Special thanks to the Founders Wall members for saving freedom: Anonymous, Our Christian Nation, Bobby and Peggy Ewbank, Wiley Drake, Jessie Rude, Thomas McMullen, The Crossett Family, Wymona Clark, Trent Takaoka, Heirs of Salvation, First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington D.C.