28 Nisan, 5781 / April 10, 2021
Many understand worship to be the singing of songs in church, and that it is, but that is but one facet of what true worship is. Worship, when fully engaged, invades every area of your life with lasting ramifications—every thought taken captive and every action reflecting My character in conduct and deed. In short, worship is a lifestyle response to the value you place on our relationship. Those who have been forgiven much, love much, and thus have a full and rich worship experience, for they worship me in spirit and in truth. My child, My desire is that you be of that number. Worship Me in spirit; from the very center of your volition and emotion. Get beyond the physical raising of hands or bowing of knees with the posture of a fully surrendered heart, for, in this, I AM well pleased. Worship Me in truth; both the truth of who I AM and the truth of where you are. Bring your worship before Me in both times of exceeding joy, and in moments of bitter heartache, for I AM the God of the hills and the valleys.

~ But an hour is coming—it is here now—when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people as His worshipers. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24

