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The question for many Christians..."Should I Even Vote in 2024?" We'll be looking into the answers in the Forum Monday evening at 7 NM. Join the livestream at www.christianbody.net, FB and YT. You will want to forward this invite and video to your networks, as there will be some eye openers! Author of Reclaiming The Political Process, Ray Miller will be joining us as well.

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2027 jr - Youtube

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Here is our interview with the promo team from the Reagan Movie, which premiers Aug. 30. Please put the word out...this is so needed at this time in our US history!

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It's time to move past frustration, anger, hopelessness into a new paradigm... we're calling it HEALING AMERICA, and it is about fresh vision, encouragement, and strategies in the Holy Spirit.

We are here for "such a time as this," and God knows exactly how we are to walk with Him and demonstrate His Kingdom to a very lost and confused world. Please prayfully consider connecting and networking with www.christianbody.net as we are committed to "Knitting and Netting The Body of Christ Together," so that the "World Will Know That He is Alive," John 17.

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Web Warriors is a group that is learning how to utilize the web and media to place our messages where they connect with the most people. We will have some teachers available, and if you have questions or things that work for you, please post so that everyone can gain.