Excerpt from the new book: Q - Biblical Times
Why is Trump still alive?
Donald Trump must therefore have powerful protection. It is known that large parts of the US military, especially the Marines, are behind him. But is that enough? Can they protect POTUS sufficiently and also maintain his ability to act? The latter in particular was and is more or less limited. Trump is blocked or isolated by the shadow state in many areas, is unable to enforce many decisions or has had to keep up appearances for tactical reasons (also confirmed by "Q". Especially in the spring of this year, one had the impression that Trump is no longer himself or is being blackmailed into decisions and statements. In addition, Trump's image in the system media is distorted and falsified. And he is certainly not infallible or even a saint. Trump also has to use tactics and sometimes makes mistakes in his approach. But he is not the fool that the system media is trying to make him out to be. News about Trump should therefore always be viewed with caution. Only one thing is certain: Trump can only defeat the immense power of the shadow state if he is even more powerful, even more knowledgeable and even more intelligent. It is a battle against an almost overpowering opponent. For decades, this opponent has been using criminal mafia-like instruments of power outside of any legality, unlimited financial resources, superior military/technical capabilities, media omnipresence and a widely ramified satanic-occult network of lodges and blackmail in all levels of leadership. Defeating this opponent is actually a "Mission Impossible".
In addition, the New World Order (NWO) that the hidden elites have been striving for for centuries is already a reality in many areas, with only the keystones still missing. At least the Western world appears to be firmly in the hands of the NWO architects. But appearances are deceptive. A war has been raging behind the scenes for many years, of which only - for those in the know - perhaps 20% is visible. The construction of the NWO building on the foundations of a sleeping, brain-dead mass has met with fierce resistance. For the attentive observer, this resistance is not limited to whistleblowers and the great global truth movement. A number of events suggest that the dark string-pullers are being manipulated much more severely. Several attempts to trigger the third world war through false flag operations have already been successfully prevented. Many underground facilities have been destroyed, cutting off the escape routes of the seemingly invincible "princes of this world".
....... Q's cryptic postings and related activities give us many clues that Trump has allied himself with a special power that gives him the tools to fight victoriously against the shadow state. (see "Q-Book" below, etc.). Because Trump would not be strong enough with the US Marines alone. They are not free from infiltration either, not to mention the secret services and the administrative bodies still infiltrated by the shadow state, etc. It almost takes a kind of clairvoyance to distinguish friend from foe in these networks and to surround yourself with capable people who are 100% loyal.------- . Who Q and the power behind it really are is something we can all think about for ourselves. In our search for clues, we are well advised to look beyond the "normal" and also include the spiritual and eschatological contexts. The fact that Q also has a Christian spiritual side is shown, for example, by the recitation of Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd" and the Lord's Prayer in his messages. Q repeatedly called on people to pray and often ends his posts with "God bless you".
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