Dream from Marty Breeden on January 8, 2021
For the second consecutive night in a row, I had what I believe was another warning dream from the Lord.
From the time I was a child, God has used Tornado dreams to warn me of coming and imminent danger.
The dream was as follows:
In the early morning hours of January 8, 2021, I had a very strong and vivid warning dream.
I was in a location at a childhood friends house. The skies begin to darken and you could feel the atmosphere change. I looked and saw a massive Tornado coming toward us!
There was no time to run, it was upon us. We literally had to take shelter under a small camping tent that we had. I watched this Tornado pass and the destruction was tremendous!
It sounded like 20 freight trains.
Yet....we remained unharmed.
The Tornado passed within 50 feet of us.
Before we even had a chance to recover, the entire scenery changed to "black and white", and we looked and saw yet another massive Tornado coming toward us!
Once again, we hunkered down and waited. The Tornado came at us with great ferocity and caused great damage, yet again, we remained unharmed!
When the Tornado passed, I looked at the skies and they begin to grow even darker and I saw multiple Tornados coming toward us.
I saw an opportunity to run inside for safety and we did.
We made it inside the house and everyone inside was watching TV.
Many stood there shocked with their hands over their mouths. I walked up to the TV, and a reporter was giving an update. He was talking about the current Tornados and that which was yet to come.
He had yellow and red markings all over his map. I specifically looked at Virginia where I live and there appeared to be dozens upon dozens of Tornados yet to come!
I could hear the concern in the reporters voice as he showed other locations up and down the eat coast and other parts of the country where these Tornados were about to hit.
I awoke.....
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