This is a book I wrote in 2016, talking about past presidential elections and the 2016 presidential campaign. I also talked about the rampant pedophila in our country and even our past presidents. Hopefully, I can get this information out here, as Farcebook has censored and actually changed the wording of many of my posts. I have ten published books www.drrobertjnewton
I am a Dr. of Natural Medicine, a Juris Dr., and BA in Speech and English. I teach and write... ten books so far and a screenplay. I also have two radio shows... Solution Revolution on and I Heart Radio and The Dr. Robert J. Newton Show. I use the mathematics of Gematria to decipher what has been hidden from humanity, and am certified in over ten healing protocols, including mind reprogramming. I enjoy surfing, snowboarding, dirt motorcycle riding, tennis, gold, basketball and hiking