We have been so blessed with beautiful food coming in from many sources and quickly going out to great community ministries helping people in need!

We have been so blessed with beautiful food coming in from many sources and quickly going out to great community ministries helping people in need!
This week we have been super blessed with beautiful food coming in and going out! We were able to provide food to the Veterans Shelter, the Men's Shelter, the Women's Shelter, a community church food distribution, a church "cooling" center for people to get out of the heat and we also delivered food directly to needy households in the community. Thank you Lord for your tremendous abundance!
We received some photos today of the two sea containers of supplies we sent to Romania for Ukrainian war refugees being distributed by the local churches. Here they are receiving new shoes, hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes.
Only a few more weeks until Sea Hawks 2023 begins. Get your application in today! www.friendships.org
Friend Ships is offering Disaster Relief Training 2023 to prepare people to lead a response team when crisis strikes. Training includes skills such as food service, spiritual support, commodity distribution and more. DRT 2023 also includes Community Emergency Response Training (CERT), a dynamic program offered nationally under the direction of the FEMA. The course will take place October 25-28 at Friend Ships Port Mercy.
If you are interested attending, email us at portmercySondra Tipton.org