I love America, because, to have God's favor for the nation, George Washington commanded all the military to attend Christian church. #jesussaves #americafirst

I love America, because, to have God's favor for the nation, George Washington commanded all the military to attend Christian church. #jesussaves #americafirst
I love America, because, to have God's favor for the nation, George Washington commanded all the military to attend Christian church. #jesussaves #americafirst
Anti-American Facebook and Twitter are scheming how to block conservatives more. Twitter hired the former FBI lawyer who approved the investigation into President Trump's campaign, including the decisions to surveil former campaign aide Carter Page and to use an FBI agent to secretly monitor Michael Flynn. No conservative can stay on Facebook and Twitter.
URGENT: To save America, ask your family, friends, churches and businesses to friend you on USA.Life!
Google Takes Down ‘Remove China’ App. Google is protecting communist China. Your freedom, rights and protection are at stake!
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