Almost none of the recent illegal immigrants qualify for asylum in the original sense - that is, that they fear imprisonment or worse in their home countries because of their ethnicity or religion. Genocide is rare on the ground these days, fortunately. Unfortunately, asylum means something very different for the neo-liberal. Under a left-wing/democrat regime everyone and anyone who is caught crossing the border illegally is claiming asylum, knowing he will be released by the Border Patrol pending a hearing, one that many will never show up for. Hopscotching around the globe had less to do with politics and more to do with economics.
America sees the same kind of suspicious asylum claims from large influxes of people from Central America. They are being coached and supported by groups, such as the one out of Chicago, which also provides funds, advertised in the immigrants country no less, for the exodus. It seems that all refugees from there have memorized the same script: "Gangs have threatened [insert family member here], so we had to leave the country." Really? When asylum-seekers say that, you have to wonder why they couldn't move to a different part of their country. You also have to wonder why they simply didn't move to a neighboring country(2). Costa Rica, for example, has quite a peaceful reputation. But Hondurans and El Salvadorans, for some reason, don't care to claim asylum in the much easier to reach Costa Rica. They want to come to the U.S., because they want to be a burden on the U.S. taxpayer. Asylum has just become another door for economic migrants to step through in search of American taxpayer-funded education, health care, food stamps, and all the rest. The illegal migrants calling themselves asylum-seekers want out because they’re poor, and their countries are badly run, due primarily to their political and cultural norms. Those are the same reasons people have always wanted to come. They have nothing to do with the purpose of asylum. They think life will be better in the US.
We now essentially have economic asylum, people trying to enter through the asylum process because they seek better work in the U.S. There are also more claims of people seeking asylum on the grounds of gang violence and domestic violence. While those may be valid reasons to want to leave a town or country, they are not the problems asylum exists to remedy, nor can. And it tends to recreate them in the host country.
Piven and Cloward, whether socialist, anarchist, marxist or just plain criminal, argued for using the impoverished of the earth to overload our welfare system and thereby bring the US to its knees. However conceived, its aims were to overthrow an existing society. What comes next depends on which strain of the collectivist disease wins the ensuing and inevitable internecine bloodbath. History tells us it always ends in massive suffering, death and nations that become functional gulags.
Yet the left-wing media has insisted on pretending that the Trump Administration is sending migrants into the fires of doom.
Sorry left-wing/democrats. Nope! The US can choose to let in unskilled migrants, in numbers and at times it deems manageable. But it has no obligation to do so, and it certainly has no obligation to allow millions of them to make a mockery of its borders and laws every year.
The failure of left-wing/democrats and their media to understand basic facts is almost surely the number-one reason Trump is president today. "When will they ever learn?(1)"
1. The good news for liberals/democrats supporting this debacle would be that, under their rule, there will be no difference in our country and the deeply flawed countries these people are fleeing. No point in applying for asylum after that! We'll all be exactly the same. The bad news is, there will be no country left where Americans can seek asylum.
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