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Including results for The Audacity of Deceit.
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The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values
WEBSep 9, 2008 · In The Audacity of Deceit, Brad O'Leary takes you deep inside Obama's plans to dismantle the Second Amendment and destroy our economy while putting us in thrall to the United Nations and laying waste to all that millions of Americans hold dearest.
Obama's Plan to Destroy America Has Failed?
How Obama Betrayed America | National Review
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13 Ways Obama Is Ruining America, According to Dick …
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We're in 2024, and Obama is in his third term as president...as a dictator, an usurper, fake president, It's too late for America?
He is the leader of the New World Order since 2011, when the U.N. dominated him in Geneva
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