If there was a politician I despised with a passion, it has to be Mitt Romney. Al! I think when I see him is. Punch him in the throat.
If there was a politician I despised with a passion, it has to be Mitt Romney. Al! I think when I see him is. Punch him in the throat.
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Elec...
This imbecile is what is wrong with the Republican party. When Trump turns out to be the winner. The only Committee he should be appointed to is. The Committee to clean the bathrooms at the United States Capital.
In the last two years I've been sent to FACEBOOK prison 21 different months. I have fifteen days left on my most recent suspension. When I get back on I am going to harvest my friends, and will cancel my membership too. I've had it with FACEBOOKs bullshut.
??????DR.SHIVA FIGURED IT OUT. It’s OVER. The algorithm has been figured out. Every time a Republican threshold was met this “glitch” would kick in and take Trump votes and transfer to Biden. It’s over. GG. This is the smoking gun??????