Tyranny Has Raised Its Heads.
Tyranny Has Raised Its Heads.
The World Health Organization Director has something to say.
Father in heaven,
Please be glorified, and bless Israel with salvation, YHVH. Please bless the persecuted body of the Messiah to give the weak in faith liberty, and the strong in faith grace. Please save the children, born and unborn from evil. And, please cause those in authority over us, especially We The People of the United States of America, to make wise decisions that we might live in peace and safety. Please heal our land, Help us to be sincere, and to hear your still small voice. May America be there for Israel until the LORD's Return. In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, Father, thy will be done.
Ps. We love you, Father. Thank you for showing us that you love us by sending your Son.