Just Sayin Moment for Today. We , all of us here at Bikers For Trump have to Support and Talk to all about the seriousness of getting President Trump elected again November 3rd.
"Mt Rushmore... think about it"
In 1996, when Bill Clinton visited during his re-election campaign, ABC news called it a place where American ingenuity and American creativity came together and formed an amazing American accomplishment..
In 2008, when Barrack Obama campaigned there, CNN called Mt Rushmore a majestic site and every president should visit..
In 2016, Bernie Sanders campaigned there and said he was humbled to be in the presence of 4 of the greatest American presidents.. CNN described the scene as awe-inspiring...
2020...Trump visits...CNN called it a celebration of white supremacy and Trump will stand before two former slave owners on land wrestled away from Native Americans...
If you think the media isn't agenda-driven, we all know they are.