Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again." - James Cook
I say don't limit yourself, reach for the sky...there are no speed limits to excellence.
"When God created man he immediately gave man a job, responsibility, and God and man were friends. God could see man needed more, so God gave man a helper. On the job a helper might just do clean up although some helpers basically run the whole operation. BUT a helper doesn't decide what his job will be and a helper is not the one who decides if the job needs doing. As Help Meets to our husbands we need to remember it is not our husbands that decided our role as was GOD. Don't ride the line because our society and even our Bible teachers don't like the role as HELPER. Just honor God and God will bring honor to you." Debi Pearl
"...just as we must learn to obey God one choice at a time, we must also learn to trust God one circumstance at a time. Trusting God is not a matter of my feelings but of my will. I never feel like trusting God when adversity strikes, but I can choose to do so even when I don't feel like it. That act of the will, though, must be based on belief, and belief must be based on truth.
The truth we must believe is that God is sovereign. He carries out His own good purposes without ever being thwarted, and He so directs and controls all events and all actions of His creatures that they never act outside of His sovereign will. We must believe this and cling to this in the face of adversity and tragedy, if we are to glorify God by trusting Him." -Jerry Bridges