Paula White and her adulterous past with Jonathan Cain and Randy White.
Paula White and her adulterous past with Jonathan Cain and Randy White.
&list=PL0Ph8c9yQXdkDdXvMsCm7hwUFrzKw8wBQ&index=2 Marcus Lamb WHISTLEBLOWER and the Tactics Used By SCANDALOUS Pastors
-fDSk&list=PL0Ph8c9yQXdkDdXvMsCm7hwUFrzKw8wBQ&index=2 -- Rickey Smiley Defends Marvin Sapp's $40,000 Offering -- Of course Rickey Smiley defends Marvin Sapp. He's a clown too.
Sunday 7am Service
Shadow Mountain Community Church
Y.C.I.B.I.COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS ,LICENSED MINISTER I.M.F.,MISSIONARY AFRICA,ASIA,SOUTH AMERICA,EUROPE.(RETIRED)utube-William Caron@cultdoctor100-Radio host wmca N.Y. (RETIERD) Not a Calvinist, nor a cessationist.