This is one of four trucks dumping wind turbine blades in the Central Disposal Landfill yesterday. The landfill is owned by Waste Management and is located in Winnebago County, Iowa. It is the only Iowa landfill accepting turbine blades at this time.
These blades are made of a composite fiberglass material that is not recyclable. Blades have been hauled to the Central Disposal Landfill all fall. They are crushed and buried and will not degrade anytime soon.
And this is clean, green energy???? See Less
This is one of four trucks dumping wind turbine blades in the Central Disposal Landfill yesterday. The landfill is owned by Waste Management and is located in Winnebago County, Iowa. It is the only Iowa landfill accepting turbine blades at this time.
These blades are made of a composite fiberglass material that is not recyclable. Blades have been hauled to the Central Disposal Landfill all fall. They are crushed and buried and will not degrade anytime soon.
And this is clean, green energy???? See Less
Copied from a post by Michael Forbis:
Please, don’t look back 5 years from now & have to admit that you spent an entire year of your life wearing a mask, cooped up in your house & avoiding all the people you love. A year in your life that you’ll never get back.
And let me say this, I am not saying this virus isn’t real, or that there aren’t people that could really be affected; if you’re at risk, take precautions, absolutely.
BUT, we should not be forced to live in fear. We went from being a free nation to being told we couldn’t go to school, couldn’t go to church, couldn’t go to our grandma’s house, couldn’t pay respects to a loved one through a funeral.... and when we were allowed to do those things, we were told how long we could be there, how far apart we had to be, how many people could be there...
Yes, our health matters. But you know what else matters? Family. Friends. Church. School dances. Football games. County fairs. Family vacations. Neighborhood BBQ’s. Life.
One day, you’ll hug your grandma for the last time, your best friend will cry on your shoulder for the last time, your son will play his last football game, your daughter will wear her last prom dress, they’ll have their last day of school, you’ll spend your last day laughing with your Mama, you’ll dance your last dance. Don’t waste the days you have by living in fear. ?
Your time here on earth matters & God didn’t put us here to be afraid of everything He’s blessed us with.
Live your life while you have the chance. God is gonna call you home when it’s your time. Virus or no virus.