"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32
"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32
A doctor sounds the alarm over Ozempic. “I’m losing my mind, memory, sight, speech and hearing… I can barely walk or eat” https://endtimeheadlines.org/2....025/03/man-sounds-al
BREAKING: A massive number of forces are about to enter Gaza to destroy Hamas once and for all. We're not done. We need to finish the job. 🇮🇱
🚨 EXPOSED: Rape-Promoting, Christian-Hating Muslim Preacher Banned from Mosques in Egypt--Now in the USA on a Visa!
Imagine your daughter at a youth group, being told she’ll go to hell unless she sexually submits to a man.
👉 Please SHARE to SAVE American values! We did the work, we just need your click.
⚠️Too Radical for Egypt. Now Preaching in California Mosques.
Abdullah Rushdy — a radical Islamic cleric
•Banned from preaching in Egypt by the Ministry of Religious Endowments for promoting extremist views
•Referred to EGYPTIAN state prosecution for violations including inciting hatred and defying government bans
•Now in California, giving sermons and converting American Christians
•Currently applying for a U.S. religious visa to stay permanently
“There is no such thing as marital rape — it’s a Western lie.”
“A woman cannot refuse sex unless she is ill or menstruating.”
“Refusing a man’s sexual demands is disobedience to God.”
“Non-Muslims live in error. Salvation is not for them.”
“It is forbidden to celebrate Christian holidays or greet them.”
This is rape culture, religious supremacy, and a direct threat to American values. This rhetoric is just the tip of the iceberg.
Rushdy pushes ISIS/Hamas-style rhetoric, glorifies “resistance,” and recycles propaganda language used by Hezbollah and other militant Islamist groups.
“O Allah, hasten the day when the stones and trees will speak.”
(A line from terrorist literature calling for global religious war)
“Western values like feminism and human rights are poisons that corrupt Islam.”
He rejects American law, American freedom, and American society.
His entire message is built on dehumanizing the West, glorifying conflict, and spreading theocratic aligned control.
He’s not overseas!
He’s here - preaching in American mosques, smiling in selfies, indoctrinating U.S. converts, and trying to stay permanently.
•Too extreme to preach in Egypt
•Being investigated by Egyptian prosecutors
•Now preaching freely in America
•Converting vulnerable American youth
•Applying for a visa to stay
This is the slow, deliberate radicalization of America.
Big thanks to @BrotherRasheed
(follow) our direct partner in exposing this infiltration and saving America.
Already everywhere in Europe and now the cancer is spreading in America
This is the town of West Seneca in Buffalo, New York Just imagine living next to this and having to hear this blasted across your home town multiple times a day Hard to believe this is America
Christian, Conservative, banned from Twitter, censored on Facebook, post news to combat the fake stream media lies, #ForGodAndCountry #DrainTheSwamp