Shout out for an awesome job. Smooth layout. {wish we could have more than blue for a color choice} Crisp, clean. No glitches yet. I've profiled, created a group, made a page... Everything is easy and operational. I will say I appreciate the fact that you added an ACCOUNT DELETE button. I must say this is the one thing I totally dispised about FB. You couldn't delete your account and it could reactivate itself through other connections. There is no delete button there, mind you, I have no intentions of using it... I just appreciate your thoroughness in creating it. AWESOME WORK!!
PS if there was a way to make it so you could share your group or page back to your profile that would be awesome as well.
Shout out for an awesome job. Smooth layout. {wish we could have more than blue for a color choice} Crisp, clean. No glitches yet. I've profiled, created a group, made a page... Everything is easy and operational. I will say I appreciate the fact that you added an ACCOUNT DELETE button. I must say this is the one thing I totally dispised about FB. You couldn't delete your account and it could reactivate itself through other connections. There is no delete button there, mind you, I have no intentions of using it... I just appreciate your thoroughness in creating it. AWESOME WORK!!
PS if there was a way to make it so you could share your group or page back to your profile that would be awesome as well.