hey guys and gals please go to the site stop the unconstitutional impeachment of Donald Trump and sign the petition , thank you
hey guys and gals please go to the site stop the unconstitutional impeachment of Donald Trump and sign the petition , thank you
I think I have figured something out . When the Mid term elections come up in 2022 we need to take off the kid gloves and fight fire with fire , See the Dummyrats will almost surly cheat in the Mid Terms , so it is our turn to cheat also. See according to the Dummyrats Voter fraud does not exist . So how can they possibly accuse us of voter fraud , when you know they will be cheating . We cans use dead people , vote twice , change voting machines and when and if they have a re count lock Dummyrat counters out . Also when you see the Dummyrat candidate is ahead make up millions of ballots and sneak them in the back door . the beautiful thing is they cannot accuse us of cheating without exposing themselves . We can definitely drain some of the swamp this way . Time for the Republicans to grow some balls and take back America .
I just read a post by the awesome General Flynn. He stated that we are in a war with good versus evil. God versus Satan . The corrupt Democrat party have committed the crime of voter fraud and are trying to steal our right to vote and they are stealing millions of Americans votes . They are circumventing the will of the Americans people . Their end goal is take away our free will, total domination , and one rule by one government . They will take away your right to free speech , your freedom of worship , your rights to bear arms .They are and will ignore our Constitution and the principals America was founded on.
We need to fight back . We need to become the resistance .When our Awesome president Trump became president they said he was not their president and not a legal president , but he was a duly elected president . In the case of Biden He is a counterfeit president that was not duly elected by the majority of America . We need to have millions of Patriots show up at his inauguration and have chaos and riots in the street , we need to make noise so you cannot hear his illegal swearing in . We need megaphones we ,need drums and musical instruments . We need to sing and shout TRUMP. TRUMP !!!. We do not want to ever give up . This is our first Amendment right . Also , he is an illegal president and all his orders and laws will be illegal so we should not obey his laws . WE NEED TO TAE BACK AMERICA BY ANY WAY POSSIBLE !!!
no surprise here , but will they actually do something about it ?
Hard core Conservative , dedicated to fighting the cancer called Liberalism in America , nothing but lying , hypocrisy and corruption . We need to stand together and vow to completely destroy Liberalism . We need our voice heard .