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On September 11, 1683 the final battle started against Vienna. On September 12, 1683, the Hapsburg alliance was victorious and thus saved Europe from the Islamic caliphate. The battle of Vienna was the where they were finally stopped. Had they not won over the Ottomans, Europe would be lost and America would certainly look a lot different. Sept 11 (sound familiar) marks the date in 1683 when the Muslim armies of the Ottoman Empire began their attack on the European alliance and Christianity with an assault on Vienna. Interestingly enough, the terrorists of 9/11/2001 focused on the wrong date. They should have learned the historical lesson from what happened on the day after on September 12th. The Europeans won the battle and the war.
On September 11, 1683 the final battle started against Vienna. On September 12, 1683, the Hapsburg alliance was victorious and thus saved Europe from the Islamic caliphate. The battle of Vienna was the where they were finally stopped. Had they not won over the Ottomans, Europe would be lost and America would certainly look a lot different. Sept 11 (sound familiar) marks the date in 1683 when the Muslim armies of the Ottoman Empire began their attack on the European alliance and Christianity with an assault on Vienna. Interestingly enough, the terrorists of 9/11/2001 focused on the wrong date. They should have learned the historical lesson from what happened on the day after on September 12th. The Europeans won the battle and the war.