Canada Free Press
...Because without America, there is no Free World
Why Socialist Revolutionaries Will Vote for Biden Joe Biden is not a socialist revolutionary. Throughout his seemingly never-ending career as a professional politician he’s been a run-of-the-mill machine democrat. As with all the others crowding the government trough, he’s worked hard to live out the advice of Harry Hopkins, a New Deal Democratic administrator who personified the ideology of the New Deal in the 1930s and President FDR’s closest personal adviser, “We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect.”
Along with being wrong about every foreign policy position the former Vice President never saw a spending program he didn’t like. He’s tried running for president twice before and never got more than 1% in any primary. This time as the only viable alternative to Bernie Sanders, the only contender honest enough to admit they want to complete President Obama’s promise/threat to fundamentally transforming America, the democrat establishment dragged him across the finish line.
• 2020-08-02 • Dr. Robert R. Owens