Just a reminder from God, that in the midst of all this chaos He is still in control and will keep all His promises.

Just a reminder from God, that in the midst of all this chaos He is still in control and will keep all His promises.
Isaiah 59:1
Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, or his ear dull that it cannot hear;
Hope you all don't mind. Sometimes you just need a break from all the crazy going on.
Last week my 4 year old granddaughter learned to swim. Now she's doing "belly bops" from the ladder.
I'm so thankful God gave us this precious little girl.
Isaiah 56:1
This says the Lord,
"Keep justice, and do righteousness,
For soon my salvation will come,
And my righteousness be revealed. "
What an encouraging reminder to keep on doing what is right regardless of the storms around us. The Lord's Day is coming!
I've been married to my high school sweet heart for 41 years. I'm currently the financial secretary at our church and lead a weekly women's bible study, teach Sr. High Sunday School. I worked at a crisis pregnancy center for over 26 years. I have a passion to work alongside women to help them be all God created them to be.