Some of the most consequential battles are won in the most unexpected places.

Some of the most consequential battles are won in the most unexpected places.
You know we are living in the End Times for the U S A , when one Political Party is able to violate the Law over and over, destroy evidence, Cheat and Lie to the America People and never once face the consequences for their crimes. The Democrats have corrupted and rotted every facet of our Society including the Justice System.
There is no saving it. Civil War is emanate.
What is Freedom worth to you ?
Election Integrity Project California has been in an uphill battle for over 10 years to defend our election process. It was our evidence that Judicial Watch used to win the case in court forcing California to clean the voter rolls. Unfortunately many counties are not complying with that court order in a timely manner. EIPCa is now challenging the use of laws and procedures that usurp the will of the citizens in California, in a landmark lawsuit that could easily affect every State in the Nation. When States like California implement laws, regulations, policies and procedures that remove the integrity of the electoral process, that removes the rights of all Citizens to chose their own destiny.
As you can imagine, Lawsuits are expensive, but if every Citizen who wants to see Fair and Honest Elections donates, even if it's just a few dollars, it will add up to restoring the Integrity of our Election System.
We will never live under a Fair, Honest and Transparent Goverment,
unless our Election System is Fair, Honest and Transparent
Every Dollar you donate is a Dollar towards your Freedom
All information regarding the lawsuits in California and Arizona and information on volunteering and donating can be seen at:
Once lost Freedom will not return.
Eventually the truth comes out. Any serious person knows the Democrats along with China and other Foreign players rigged the election which Donald Trump Won. We pray that the Proof comes out for the World to see, sooner rather than later.
We Pray that our country will be restored with the rightful President after Biden is removed. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.