Stop talking about it, and do something.
A nation of masked and muzzled cowards, feigning courage.
Talk, talk, talk.
While they burn, torture, and kill.
They have castrated our defenders, and still we talk.
They have burned our business, and robbed us of our livelihoods.
And still we talk.
They openly preach the violent overthrow of our government.
And more useless talk.
If they steal our country from us, it’s our own damn fault.
A nation of fat, complacent, passive robots.
Our tolerance is killing us.
Like a festering cancer, our desire to appear enlightened has devoured our will to fight.
Our greed for the worlds pleasures has blinded us, and made villains and back biters of us. Turning from the righteous and embracing the wicked in our desire for abundance.
Sacrificing even our children at the alter of wealth and comfort.
Becoming bloated and ruddy like the alcoholic husk of a once virile man.
And now the reckoning.
While we cower behind the golden prison walls we’ve made.
Our counterfeit coat of self righteous passivity and wisdom has become a funeral shroud.
The barbarians are at the gate, and still we talk.
Become a warrior.
Protect your birthright.
Or loose it forever.
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