Political Correctness with Moral Bankruptcy
It is human nature to feel bad when you hit a squirrel with your vehicle, at least for most of us. Some of us run off the road or cause accidents while doing all we can to spare the little life. We can’t avoid the ingrained willingness to “do the right thing”.
But some will aim for the little critter and have a laugh while needlessly snuffing out an innocent life. Hit it at all costs! The power to control or take a life is Intoxicating and powerful. Who cares about the right and wrong of the situation, as long as I get what I want.
For the folks that use the term “Politically Correct”, its easy to sit on a pedestal and decide which core beliefs and values will be placed on the chopping block. Never mind generations deep fundamental core beliefs are trampled on by the “PC” apex predator. Somehow the mighty “Politically Correct” have decided that they get to narrate what is and isn’t offensive, and what is right or wrong.
The same people that dictate political correctness become Judge, Jury, and executioner in the arena of Public Opinion. Presto, in order to belong, people are dismissing common decency to fit in. The rest of moral society are branded with scarlet letters if they do not immediately comply with the demands of the PC perfect.
The PC people will openly ridicule, boycott, publicly attack, and demean anyone with a different belief system. You will comply with Political Correctness– or else! It makes you wonder how this isn’t branded fascism. All morals and upbringing are out the window and Political Correctness is put into effect as the new norm. How dare you think differently. You will comply with PC or you will be cancelled or driven out. Again, how is this oppression not fascist?
People have lost the ability to separate right from wrong. To satisfy various groups, they will trample all over the rights of others regardless of morals, sacrifice core values and belief systems, in the name of Political Correctness. To make matters worse our children are being indoctrinated into this new damaged thinking from the education system. Kids are turning against parents while parents no longer have a say in what children are taught in school. Divisions are put in place that cause irreparable damage to family units. To fight back is to risk certain excoriation by the PC Perfect. This all seems a bit one sided to say the least. Hint: Remember the Hitler Youth? Don’t laugh. Look it up!
If we apply this PC to the political world, we witnessed fleets of Lawyers changing state election laws to reduce the voter verification process “just to control the vote by mail process”. Ask yourself why state election laws would need to be doctored ahead of a Presidential Election? Seriously, forget about Democrat or Republican. Why would you need to lighten laws designed to protect the integrity of the election process? If you have a solid moral compass you will immediately figure it out. Now we see the effect of the MORAL BANKRUPTCY at full effect.
We are witnessing the rise of evil never seen in our lifetime. According to the Politically Correct we are wrong to have our own opinions, believe in God, have pride in our nation, and wish to remain free to live as we like. Wrong is now right, right is now wrong, and to have your own thoughts is somehow bigotry. Words like “racist” are tossed around to silence those who would dare to question the Political Correctness in any situation. You may as well be wearing a yellow Star of David if you dare to reject Political Correctness. We are in the worst of times. Morally Bankrupt
Is it time to fight back now?
by DB
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