“The greatest threat to our society is not bombs, guns, or climate change; it’s a church that refuses to raise its voice.”
~ Pastor Miles Rutherford
A prayer for the church from Charles Spurgeon:
“We ask you to give victory to your church all over the world. Oh Mighty One, look down upon the heathen, and see how their gods stand riveted to their thrones. CAST THEM DOWN, O CHRIST! You who have cast out the dragon, cast down these inferior powers of darkness until not an idol god shall be left. Amen.”
“Responsibility is tough. But men of history have gladly suffered and died doing all this. Today, we may not have all the same brute masculine challenges as our ancestors, but we do have the main one—namely, the need for men who shoulder spiritual responsibility and gladly enlist in the battle of good versus evil.”
~ Martyn Iles