The very thought that America could be the end time Babylon, in the minds of many Christians, is unthinkable. They consider their God-blessed and chosen homeland to be a Christian nation, exceptional among all nations, and therefore exempt from God’s coming wrath against the fallen world.
Yet, who can deny that America is becoming what so many of us never thought she would be?
Consider this biblical sampling of similarities between today’s America and “Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5):
Babylon, in the beginning, will be a cup of pure gold in the hand of God, but in the last days becomes the “mother of [spiritual] harlots,” who holds a cup filled with abominations (Jeremiah 51:7; Revelation 17:4).
Babylon will be the “least” (latest or newest) of seven superpower world empires in history, and will be “humiliated” among the nations (Jeremiah 50:12).
Babylon’s people will be “foreigners,” which is to say she will be multicultural (Jeremiah 50:37).
Babylon will exist amid “many waters” (literally waters, and figuratively “nations” and peoples of many nations) (Jeremiah 51:13.
Babylon will have a loud voice in the world (Jeremiah 51:55).
Babylon will have the strongest militarily defenses (Jeremiah 51:53; Revelation 13:4).
Babylon will be a leader in world trade and economics (Revelation 18:9-13).
Babylon will be addicted to epicurean pleasures—materialism, gluttony, sexual perversion (Revelation 18:3).
Babylon will be idolatrous in her lust for false gods and material things (Jeremiah 50:38).
Babylon’s apostate and false religions will be influential among the nations of the world (Revelation 17:18).
Babylon’s apostate church and other false religions will be wealthy (Revelation 17:4).
Babylon is “full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality” (Revelation 17:4).
Babylon is “the mother of [spiritual] harlots and of the abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5).
Babylon “has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit” (Revelation 18:2).
Babylon’s sins will pile as high as heaven (Revelation 18:5).
Babylon will be blinded by pride (Revelation 18:7; Jeremiah 50:24).
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