A little fiction I wrote this morning
Couns El
El A: We've agreed to do this and the time is now. I propose Jews will be our administrators.
El IS: Our models show that Jews are the ideal race to administrate evil for our control. Most other races lead to humanity's annihilation.
El Vader: I think it's too dangerous to unleash evil without protection for the good in place.
El A: Lord Vader, as I'm sure you know we have not yet come to a consensus on that point. I assure you the good will be protected. If we are to do this we must act now! I move that we appoint Jews as the administrators.
El IS: I second the motion.
El A: All in favor say Aye. All opposed say nay. Let the record show the motion is passed.
The four laws of thermodynamics as summarized by my physics professor:
There is a game
1) You can't win
2) You can't even break even
3) When everyone realizes you can't win, the game ends.
I don't know if he realized it or not, but these laws perfectly describe the end of the age and the beginning of a new one.