Antifa infiltrated the crowds supporting the President to purposefully create a false flag to vilify the President and all of us. This was mentioned by them months ago on their website. People reporting in the crowd today saw who the operatives were. You won't hear this on the news. The Capitol police were in on this and led to the shooting and death of an unarmed woman. The police were shoving and hitting people for no reason. Bowser had to be behind this. This lead to using the event as an excuse and certifying all of the fraudulent votes for Biden this evening. The State Legislatures did not do their job. Governors and Secy's of State have no power. All of the bad actors made themselves known today too, including Lindsay Graham. Trump knows now with whom he is dealing. He has all of the intel on the Deep State. He knows their plans. New news today (not on mainstream) links Obama to the Vatican, having moved $400 million to them to manipulate their military satellites from a system they own called Leonardi. This was used to pass information between various countries including China. So the Vatican worked with Obama actively against our country to undermine the 2020 election. This certainly IS sedition and treason. Trump can arrest him and the others. Something is coming.. the criminals will not be able to move forward to destroy our country.
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