A few days ago, in a conversation concerning the gov't a comment was made by someone stating that Atty. Gen. Barr was not who he was believed to be (in essence). I replied that I truly didn't think that was the case. BTW, it was a polite convo. I wish to say here and now, that that person could very well have been correct. Upon some investigative work I have found some info that lends credence to his comment, so with that, I hereby thank that peron for his comment, leading me to do some deeper research. I do not recall the persons name, and he does NOT have to reveal himself. I just hope he sees this comment and my thanks to him!! From what I have found so far, Barr is NOT the person that should be in the position he is in! That is all.
Alright USALife. FIX YOUR DAMN algorythms. Tired of having to attempt to fix a comment, only to have the spelling changed and leaving a letter hanging elsewhere!