Please watch and share this video.
Please watch and share this video.
Remember back when we could have posted this sort of video on Facebook or Twitter?
Thank God for freedom of expression!
So, I’ve finally finished editing chapter seven of my novel, and now I’ve written around 1,500 words of new content for chapter eight! I’m using the novel to confront communism and push back against its evil.
Well, if Washington state’s idiotic inslee is going to demand I wear a mask even though I probably don’t need it, because I had all the symptoms in mid-March (including wheezing, which I’ve NEVER had before) then I might as well wear a GOOD mask. I found this on Redbubble’s website.
Well, I’ve just finished writing chapter seven of my conservative-based epic novel. Over 65,000 words and 232 pages! I’m going for a target of around 12 chapters. I’m hoping to finish the whole manuscript before the end of next year, but I write a lot pretty fast, so maybe I might even finish it by the end of this year!
Novelist author. Or trying to be, at least. I’ve got early drafts sent to the US Library of Congress.