New to the site, just joined. Just to put my two cents worth in, this great country of ours is falling apart. I’ve seen good men and women, all Republicans, turn on our party just because the powers that be, the Democrats, creates fear, intimidation and threats of violence. This whole COVID 19 scam is nothing but a lie, it’s just another stran of the ever present flu virus. Sure, is bad, but so is every other virus. God bless President Trump, and every red-blooded American who stands with him! I pray for our President and I pray you will too. There’s and old song that is very fitting, it’s called Step into the water, by the Cathedral Quartet. One verse says, It’s time we the people stand up for what is right, it’s time we squared our shoulders back and raised our swords to fight. For the Bible is my weapon, the Spirit is my shield and the Church needs mood it’s people to be workers in the field. Wake up America!