There should be a 100% requirement to verify the citizenship of every person who votes and there must be a chain of custody protections for every ballot.

There should be a 100% requirement to verify the citizenship of every person who votes and there must be a chain of custody protections for every ballot.
Dear Leftist Totalitarians,
How do you live with yourselves? Don’t you have children? Aren’t you embarrassed?
Do you really believe that using brute force, and economic threats to silence opposition to your insane ideas, will do anything but engender a fiercer ideological resistance to your tyranny? Where has censorship and speech suppression EVER worked?
You hypocrites preach “tolerance” and a respect for “truth” while doing everything in your power to silence opponents, and while promoting ridiculous hoaxes like the collusion hysteria.
We don’t try to silence you because the best weapon against your ridiculous, discredited ideas, is open dialogue. More speech is always the answer. Tyranny never works. A third grade history textbook could’ve taught you that. Grow up.
Dan Bongino