It seems prudent that I give you a brief introduction of myself. I am a writer for the American resistance against the three-city-state corporate oligarchy, (District of Columbia, City of London, and the Vatican). My goal as a writer is to reveal truth to the reader, exposing the lies of the enemies of freedom.
Permission to share my articles for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted, in whole or part, provided attribution and a link to the article is included when you do. In the words of John Quincy Adams, "Duty is mine, results are God’s."
I am not your typical conservative; in fact, I don't even like being called by that label. I am a natural man first; my political philosophy is closely aligned with the Laws of Nature and Nature's God and I tend to piss off conservatives and liberals alike. I abhor globalists and everything involving globalism. I vehemently reject statism in all its forms... i.e., socialism, fascism, and communism; no matter what the current label may be for it.
In my world, there are no sacred cows, only the Creator. I don't worship the troops, any candidate for political office, or any public servants whatsoever; they are all tools in the hands of the state and I only respect those that perform their duty consistent with Natural Law; if their actions harm others who have harmed no one, they’re my enemy. I believe my freedom comes from the Creator and will only exist as long as I don't lose sight of that fact and acknowledge Him as the source, II Corinthians 3:17.
I am not perfect, far from it; like all of you, I fall short of that mark considerably. Anyone who says differently is a liar from my perspective and I believe that discussion or debate with such intellectual reprobates is a waste of my time.
Since 1973, I have informed myself about our history, government, and the efforts of globalism in its various and sundry forms headed by psychopaths bent on enslaving all of mankind. Consequently, I don't align with their goals nor worship their gods. My remaining mission in this life, is to do all I can with the resources I have to destroy what they've done, by exposing their lies and opposing their actions against the truth: facilitating the restoration of freedom under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.
There is much more to me as a person and that is a wonderful thing about friendship, the journey of discovery. I will make mistakes from time to time, such as posting something that might have failed my filters but will receive rebuke and correction when enlightened with the truth, not uninformed opinion. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me... Now let's get to work defeating our enemies and restoring our freedom!