Thought for Today: Today, we need to take heed that it is not enough to believe in Christ - we need to follow his word - that brings abundant life to us. Otherwise we can so easily stray away.
Thought for Today: Today, we need to take heed that it is not enough to believe in Christ - we need to follow his word - that brings abundant life to us. Otherwise we can so easily stray away.
Thought for Today: We should not reject people based on their background, ethnicity, education, appearance, or status.
Thought for Today: By our love, everyone will know that we are his disciples.
Thought for Today: Jesus is coming again and this time, he will come in great glory and power.
Thought for Today: His love is complete, inclusive, and all-encompassing. It's not possible for Him to love me more than you. He responds to heartfelt faith from anyone.
My skin tone does not control my thoughts!
Follower of Christ Pro-life, Pro-police, Pro-2A, and unashamed to be conservative. I oppose excessive government control of business and the subversion of the traditional family structure. I fully endorse and favor a free-market economy.