Thought for Today: The Thing About Greed Is…Enough is never enough!
Thought for Today: The Thing About Greed Is…Enough is never enough!
Thought for Today: God's Will shall not be deterred and His mercy reigns over all.
Thought for Today: God needs to be worshipped in spirit and in truth - from the heart and not just through rituals but in a true understanding of God, which is obtained through His Word, the Bible.
Thought for Today: It has been suggested that ultimately all our fears are related to the fear of death. In setting you free from death and the fear of death, Jesus has enabled you to be set free from all your other fears.
Thought for Today: There are many testimonies of men and women who seek for the Truth and find it in Jesus. Are you seeking?
My skin tone does not control my thoughts!
Follower of Christ Pro-life, Pro-police, Pro-2A, and unashamed to be conservative. I oppose excessive government control of business and the subversion of the traditional family structure. I fully endorse and favor a free-market economy.