The non-masked, unvaccinated are the new "Jews" of the Vaccine Holocaust Scamdemic of 2022 #vaccineholocaustscamdemic
The non-masked, unvaccinated are the new "Jews" of the Vaccine Holocaust Scamdemic of 2022 #vaccineholocaustscamdemic
The BMJ has expertly exposed the real hoax here, which is the social media behemoth's role in serving as info-gatekeeper for the globalist deep state.
The Patriot Nurse lays out the raw truth on Fauci, election rigging and the authoritarian fascist regime trying to conquer America
Study: 5G exposure a “significant factor” in higher covid cases, deaths
The brutal reality is, with globalism being rammed down our throats, Americans need to plan to survive as the entire economic system comes crashing down
Follower of OUR KING Yeshua!