Is it coincidental that Barry Soetoro's initials are "BS", or are they just "character definitive"?
Is it coincidental that Barry Soetoro's initials are "BS", or are they just "character definitive"?
The anti-gun lobby has finally broken through the barrier. They have convinced the largest retailer of ammunition, Walmart, to stop selling hand gun and rifle ammunition.
Why should we be alarmed?
1. Removing the largest retailer, limits the amount of ammo available to the general, law abiding public.
2. This is just the first step. If a company like Walmart succumbs to the anti-gun nuts, the smaller shops will be deluged with negative publicity and will be forced out.
3. Removing this much inventory will cause the price to increase. Less competition will create more demand. Demand drives price.
4. It is just one of their ways of subverting the 2nd Amendment. Soros has spent almost 3 million lobbying the anti-gun Democraps, so far this year.
5. Finally, remove the ammo, the gun become usless.
Please join me in boycotting Walmart and any business that attempts to eliminate our rights with their stupid business policies.
A reminder to everyone, quoting Thomas Jefferson, "A government large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have."
Someday they will come. Plan ahead and be ready. The very existence of our Republic is being seriously challenged. Pay attention and vote for true conservatives. It is our only hope to stave off the threat of socialism and communism.
It has become apparent during the last two years that as Americans we live in a crumbling society. The latest example of this is the corruption of the Justice Department. It is obvious that the Justice Department, protects itself, irregardless of who is the Attorney General.
Bill Barr has shown himself to be no different than Eric Holder or other past AG's. When internal trouble occurs, the corrupt circle the wagons and throw the law and the Constitution away. The corruption of a two tiered justice system is undeniable. These are things that happen in China or Russia!!!
If you happen to work in the government and favor the Democrat party, you are virtually immune from any sort of prosecution. However, if you are Republican you are placed in solitary confinement for much less, if any crime.
America, WE ARE IN REAL TROUBLE! Our Justice System is the one element of our government that separates us from the remainder of the world. If we cannot trust the premise of innocent until proven guilty, and trust people to apply that premise equally, we will be a socialist nation within the next voting cycle.
But who do get to fix the problem? Donald Trump, the man we trusted to drain the swamp, has chosen to side with the swamp and support Bill Barr! In effect, thumbing his nose at the people who elected him. That leaves us with no one, but GOD, on our side. Pray that he will help us before we destroy ourselves.
Hardcore patriot and conservative.