I realize that this remark may seem "off the wall" off the subject, but Health Ranger just mentioned the threat of dirty bombs.
Personally, I consider this real here in Arlington, Va 7 miles from the Mosque on Rt 7 Falls Church Va and one mile from the DMV where the pilots got their drivers licenses for the 9/11 event.
My latest walk down Columbia Pike, El Salvador store, Jamaica
palm reading, Iranian restaurant next to Bangkok restaurant, but the Ehtiopian Purple lounge is out of business. All this in one city block, the Middle Eastern run Boston Market closed as did the Irish pub....but there is still the free legal services for Cuban
immigrants on the first floor of the Bank of America building across from the free clinic.
The good news is that the Lord told me that America will no longer lay down and be run over by every country/nation/god/goddesses in the world.
I did mention to the county government in the last seven years that I was concerned about their open trash cans along Glebe Road and I thought that someone might drop a bomb in one.
The trash cans might be gone. Praise God for President Trump .Thank you Jesus for the border wall, stricker immigration. For the enemy within our borders that is already here, the "sleeper cells" made up of men ages say 14 to 40 from MS 13 and the mosques, like Jesus spoke to the fig tree, I say wither, in the name of Jesus and go home, leave America. Regarding the shakira law already in our prosecuting attorney I say no, this is America, one nation under God and that western mosaic law is our foundation, that we are created in God's image with liberty and justice for all. This means that shakira law making a Christian or a Jew worth one third of a muslim is null and void in America. This dark power has no place in America, nor does the islamic sexual practices in Jesus name I pray.