Lysander Spooner vs the Supreme Court: The Judicial Supremacy Lie ~ Tenth Amendment on X, Tenth Amendment Center on Rumble & YT
Let me begin by quoting the header for this Tenth Amendment Center video:
“An unconstitutional judicial decision is no more binding than an unconstitutional legislative act.” With that one line, Lysander Spooner demolished the dangerous myth of judicial supremacy - the idea that a court’s opinion becomes law simply because judges say so. In this episode, we break down Spooner’s powerful insights and warnings, echoing the words of many Founders who’ve been long forgotten today. The truth is simple and radical: the Constitution is the supreme law of the land - not the opinions of unelected judges. Judicial supremacy isn’t just unconstitutional. It’s tyranny.
There is so much corroborating discussion with credible citations withing this video, that I will leave it to the True Patriot readers to watch the video themselves.
To continue, let me reiterate that every single one of these Judges, as well as Private Lawyers & Government Attorneys swear an oath to "Protect & Defend the [original, organic] US Constitution [with its lawful amendments] from all enemies, foreign & domestic".
It is clear to the overwhelming majority of WE THE PEOPLE that our Judiciary intends to interfere with and delay the changes the majority of
us voted for.
Which first leads this Cynical Patriot to assert that our legal system's "Actions Speak Louder Than Words. That said, in everyday life
of the masses, if someone acts inappropriately, and/or illegally, and the legal system fails to address, those who are friends, associates, &/or acquaintances of said inappropriate/illegal Actor will counsel/criticize the actor to the degree appropriate for the "infraction".
WE THE PEOPLE presume, that the same type of accountability for minor infractions by their colleagues would occur within various government agencies, such the Courts, and Private and Government Lawyers. In part because this is their sworn duty & in part to prevent themselves and/or the entire agencies reputation diminishing if they fail to act. Further, if informal accountability does not result on correct and/or the infraction rises to a higher level, that some formal process greater authority and consequence, will adjudicate the consequences to the actor of the infraction. However, WE THE PEOPLE see no such processes of accountability occurring in these lawfare cases, recent or prior to the 2024 Election. Judges, Government Attorneys and Private Lawyers, all are just playing different roles in the Legal Profession, yet all have taken the same forementioned oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Buy their oaths alone, all Judges, Government Attorneys and Private Lawyers are compelled to act to protect and defend the Constitution from these Rogue Judges. How then is it that a majority of judges, or at .....