Wes it Preplanned? Cameraman wearing a gas mask, you decide for yourself.

Wes it Preplanned? Cameraman wearing a gas mask, you decide for yourself.
Patriots check this link out it is from CBN
Good Morning Patriots!
I don't know the timeframe as to when it is going to happen but I can tell you this pay no attention to the talk of President Trump being on this channel or on that channel. Wait for the Presidential Alert Broadcast. I know you are all getting anxious and worried about time running out but trust God and trust that he has appointed President Trump. President Trump is a Master Chess Player and he doesn't lose. I have been watching him since the 1980's and there were times when he made me mad, but when you think he is going to lose somehow he wins. This time we all win. He will NOT be at the White House when he speaks to us. Be prepared! Have enough food and water for 10 days.
Keep the Faith and Pray! Pray for ALL Americans as when the truth is divulged we have to come together as a country. Take our lead from President Trump.
The fight for God Family and the United States of America will forever continue and as we have awakened we can never be silent again. We must as patriots become actively involved within the Republican Party that is what President Trump wants. We need to work to have ALL RINO's removed. Please understand that 3rd parties will not work. If you form the Patriot party on its own you can do nothing to remove the RINO's and you will be fighting against both the Democrat and Republican parties. If we all come together within the Republican party can you imagine the voice we will have. We must become the Patriot Faction of the Republican party. Strength in Numbers!
Lastly Prayer is the MOST important thing we can do now and trust the God has already done what is right.
What God Has Done No Man Can Undo.
God Bless the USA! God Bless President Trump and God Bless Us All!