As many of you know, I was struck in a crosswalk by a car back in December and thrown about 20 feet through the air, resulting in an ambulance trip to Grant Trauma Center with multiple injuries; the worst of which was my right shoulder that required multiple surgeries. This incident occurred A DAY after another E.R. visit in which I was forced to come to terms with the need to have my gallbladder removed. And THAT surgery took place just two days ago, on July 27th.
The result of all of this has been no paychecks since the day I was struck. God's been good, though (as He always is), taking care of our needs.
My wife, Lynn, has been a true heroine; not only has she been working full-time to try to cover my losses, she's made sure I've made it to all of my doctor appointments, my three surgeries, plus my physical therapy & chiropractic appointments (both of which I'm now doing on my own).
I've still got a bit of a row to hoe, yet, when it comes to regaining full use of my arm. My balance is a bit off still, too. These two things prevent me from doing my "normal" job as an independent contractor, climbing up onto roofs to perform storm-damage inspections.
Now the "Big Ask":
I want to EARN what I receive when it comes to making a living. So, please ... absolutely no charity. (I'm not against charity if there is no other way to make ends meet.)
Instead, I'd like to give you something in exchange for your graciousness:
I'm an author of four 5-star-rated suspense novels. If you are a fiction reader—or know one—I'd enjoy the satisfaction of getting royalties on my books, rather than receiving any handouts. (Again ... I'm not in a desperate situation, so, please, no direct cash offerings.)
I do receive periodic royalty payments, but not in the form of big checks, as I'm not exactly a household name ... yet. *smile* I'm grateful for the money that does come in, but it doesn't come anywhere close to making up for my losses.
My books are readily available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and through my publisher, BHC Press. (BHC Press does not print book #4, but it's available through the other online stores.) You can get all of the books in paperback, hardcover, and/or e-book all over the place online. You can also go through my author website to look at the titles and read their descriptions.
By purchasing a book (or books), you help me to succeed for hard work that I've already done. AND I can ... hopefully ... be a blessing to all of you while they are being read.
If you do get a book (or books), I'd LOVE to see a picture of you with it! Selfies are VERY much welcomed! So are online reviews!
Online reviews change the metrics on the seller sites, giving more exposure to an author's works. So reviews on Amazon, B&N, and GoodReads(.com) are wonderful. But be honest with your opinions. Don't flower me up. *grin*
So ... there it is ... the big ask. I hope that it's not too big.
For those of you who've already purchased my books ... thank you! Your comments have been so wonderful and greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Frank Lattimore