I finally had enough of the hate group known as facebook. I deactivated my account and have no plans of ever going back!!!
I finally had enough of the hate group known as facebook. I deactivated my account and have no plans of ever going back!!!
Thank You for another day, God. I'm grateful for the calming of my anger. I felt it starting to build this morning, then it just started to melt away. Feels nice. I'm also thankful for another opportunity to spread smiles, joy, and Your word. If I can brighten someones day with any of those, then let it be so. Please continue to bless and watch over my children, family, friends, and me. Surround us with angels to protect us. Keep us safe, healthy, and happy. Please continue to give me the strength to follow the path that is right for me. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank You for another day, God. Forgive me, but I feel as though I'm wasting time. I know I'm impatient and easy to anger. I see tiny telltale signs of changes, but it's just too slow for me. I'm afraid I'm disappointing You in my role here. I don't seem to make a difference to bring about sensibility. Do people really not hear the stupidity they spew?? Is that one of the signs that they've sold their soul?? Or is it just the mark that they are mere minions of the beast and his followers? Doubt in myself is creeping in, Lord. I need Your help to keep it away. Please send me some Light, Lord. I need it bad. Continue to bless and watch over my children, family, friends, and me. Surround us with Your angels to protect us. Keep us safe, healthy, and happy. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for another day, God. I let my anger get the better of me yesterday. I know I should pick my battles more carefully. Trying to fight fascists that have control of a media and more authority than they know how to use, is a useless battle. Please continue to help me control my anger. Give me the strength and tolerance to deal with the minion fools. Please continue to bless and watch over my children, family, friends, and me. Surround us wth angels to protect us. Keep us all safe, healthy, and happy. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.