Another original. 38 1/2 hours of just painting. This is Acrylic on Canvas 36”x24” e-mail if your interested. $800.00 will try to get higher quality photos in the future of my originals.

Another original. 38 1/2 hours of just painting. This is Acrylic on Canvas 36”x24” e-mail if your interested. $800.00 will try to get higher quality photos in the future of my originals.
Some of my prints and originals available at wood metal and more. Drop me a line if your interested at
Welcome, Jeffrey! Please help us share the good things that are happening. The news sites are broadcasting bad news. They don’t need our help. Let’s encourage our members with all that is good. Thanks for what you will do.
I’m an Artist that works in multiple mediums. Painting, digital art. Virtual reality art, sculpting, carving, jewelry and more. My work is available at Wood Metal And More 8929 Summer Shade rd. Summer Shade, Ky 42717 4 miles E. Of Summer Shade on the right on Rt 90. Or message me if your interested. Thank you.