It seems like I remember another guy that used this same logic to attack and kill Jews. What was his name....Oh, Yes, Hitler.
It seems like I remember another guy that used this same logic to attack and kill Jews. What was his name....Oh, Yes, Hitler.
My heart is heavy today. I know that a terrible season is coming in this country and many will suffer a long while before it gets better and yet it must be done or there won't be a country much longer. Freedom isn't free and we haven't paid the bill in a very long time.
No more just "let it go" nonsense. IF the leftist attack us then we should destroy them. The leftist are full-blown tyrannical fascist that are doing all they can to rape our constitution, our freedom, and our rights. They want us dead or enslaved to their evil ideology and we either fight or cease to exist. Make no mistake we are at war.
I heard it from a friend whooooo heard it from a friend whoooooo heard from a friend that democrats are complete cloooooowns. Not ONE stitch of proof of anything but endless hearsay and another clear frame job by leftist....