I'm good with the color of my skin, is BarackObama or MicheleObama?....THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM, NOT OURS!
I'm good with the color of my skin, is BarackObama or MicheleObama?....THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM, NOT OURS!
@micheleobama YOU DESERVE a SPECIAL Go To Hell moment, you see, YOU HATED ON AMERICA BEFORE, never giving a damn about those in the GHETTO and YOU CONTINUE TO HATE ON AMERICA, b/c we all gave you and your OLD MAN the finger when you chose to play a RACE CARD that lifts NO ONE! You squandered enough from AMERICAN tax payers and it's YOU, NOT THE PEOPLE THAT NEED TO LEAVE. YOU HATE ALL who don't Kiss your Ring.....WELL WE HATE YOU FOR NEVER LOVING A COUNTRY WHO BENT OVER BACKWARDS ACCEPTING YOU! Go away & find that planet that gives you satisfaction, as for us, WE ARE NOT HERE TO KISS ANY PART OF YOUR HATE OR RACISM....which frankly shows through your skin thin!
As a Conservative, retired VET, American, and Voter, I don't CARE about you @jillbiden JoeBiden @kamalaharris @micheleobama @barackobama @billclinton @hillaryclinton whether you have grown UP, or whether YOUR HATE HAS TO DESCEND ONTO OUR YOUTH IN AMERICA....What I care about is that, the adults of these children EDUCATE the stupid out of them and that, as a NATION we proceed forward without your self righteous HATE for it.
@GovNewsome and @MayorBass NEEDS TO BE FIRED! Period! @california NO SUPPORT OF FUNDING INCOMPETENCE!
JoeBiden you described your own greed/hate/undermining tactics and authoritarian control you thought the people of this Great Country, would just shut up and color and accept, WE DIDN'T, and our CLEAR MANDATE FOR YOU TO LEAVE and HOPEFULLY NEVER TO BE HEARD FROM AGAIN IS OUR HOPE AND PRAYER! You are shallow, and have been for 50 years a dishonest and greedy Politician. You would sell your own Mother, if she were alive, instead you sought to sell ours & the children and young adults! You betrayed the PEOPLE and this COUNTRY and YOU ARE A FAILURE, second only to Obama.
GO AWAY! and take your worthless @kamalaharris with you!
MONDAY can't come soon enough, so may the DOOR hit you where the good lord split you!