PSA: If y'all are asking why I'm #thepissedofftexian and not #texan, It's not a typo, citizens of #therepublicoftexas were #texians ,we became #texans upon admission to the union. I believe the federal system is beyond redeemable, corrupt, and gone, I want #texit #nationaldivorce for #texas as we are so fundamentally #divided as a nation and to pretend otherwise is to ignore reality. Texas for example, has gotten #abortion #sanctionedbabymurder #legalbabyexecution down 99% in the state, meanwhile places like New York and California want to go as far the other way as to legalize #infanticide or murdering newborn babies. Texas believes you have a #godgivenright to bear arms #2ndamendment and shouldn't have to ask the government permission to exercise that right, meanwhile places like California and New York believe only police and military should have the ability to freely exercise said right, and if they could have it their way they would disarm all citizens. These #divisions are so fundamental that we're practically separate countries at this point in reality. The Government outlined in the Constitution, that we're all supposed to be united by, doesn't exist anymore. Half of this country wants to burn the very #theconstitution that's supposed to unite us. Therefore, I'm ThePissedOffTexian, a citizen of the, soon to be once again, Republic Of Texas. Texas is occupied by a overreaching tyrannical federal government that becomes more and more invasive, overreaching, tyrannical, and at odds with the interests of Texas as it embraces a #oneworldgovernment agenda and it's leader makes statements such as #norightisabsolute and threatens it's own citizens with #nukes and #f15s, as a result I'm done making federal politics priority, and my #allegiance is to #mytexas before #globalism #wef or this anti-american federal government that spits on #theconstitution, and this federal government isn't the one the people of Texas agreed to be a part of. The Constitution's enshrined values have kept us united, but sadly a many of people don't give a damn about it nor about learning it's intended design, too busy worshipping their Netflix shows or comfort. Thank You for reading all this if you did. Let me know if you feel the same.