God In Suffering & Illness
God doesn’t always “fix” things, but He is still God and He still loves us. But sometimes, it’s important for us to go through certain things. And just because God doesn’t appear to give us what we want, doesn’t mean God won’t give us what we need. God it always merciful, but we need to learn the difference between what we need and what we want. And to have faith no matter whether He “fixes” things or not!
I know that I have struggled with this; we all struggle with it.
But during our difficult times, God’s Love will surround us and comfort us-if we let it. For God is always merciful and full of Love for us.
But because He loves us; He will not always give us what we want, however He will ALWAYS give us what we need. We just need to keep praying, whether we feel like it or not! ?
When I was born, I was born with a large hole in my heart. I had open heart surgery at about age 6. Back then they kept you in the hospital 6 weeks! I suffered from bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis for 16 years. I was home about 3 months every year from school because I was so sick and weak I sometimes could not get from my bed to my bathroom without fainting.
During those years I read everything from Saints Books and the Bible to the Tales of King Arthur to Socrates and all of the great philosophers. And most of all-I talked with God. And I prayed.
Most of those years, thanks to God, I was at peace with my circumstances. But I remember in 8th grade thinking there must be something wrong with me that God would not heal me. But I was wrong, God was preparing me. And I remember when I was 18, I so badly wanted to “be like everyone else”. Wow, was that overrated, lol. So sometimes we all get off-track, and that’s okay. As long as we get back on track ?
The reason I share this with you my friends, is that we all suffer in some way. Sometimes that suffering can be seen by others and sometimes it can’t. But during those times, God never leaves our side. And God will ultimately use it for good.
So never give up and never lose hope! God will help you and He loves you! Your suffering will end!