Please watch this video by brilliant nephrologist, Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
Her little tutorial made PERFECT logical sense to me, so I believer her. For the uninitiated, I suggest first watching Dr. Robert Morse's amazing dissertation on the Great Lymphatic System.
ALWAYS remember, EVERYTHING in our material Universe is cause-and-effect. My beef with the allopathic docs is that, instead of finding and treating root CAUSES, they simply treat SYMPTOMS with high-priced cutting, slashing, burning and poisoning. The fundamental allopathic model is a unconscionably high priced Band-Aid approach to SYMPTOMS. That disempowers the individual and enriches the lobbyists and practioners. That is entirely illogical to me. But you have to be open-minded and intellectually honest to consider news ideas such as those presented by Dr. Humphries. Since her "conversion" -- ("I don't believe in vaccines. I don't even believe a little bit in vaccines." ~ Dr. Suzanne Humphries) -- her practice has been largely limited to nutrition, one of my most important pursuits. I am amazed that this video is still up!
Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP
... among the accusations has been that the radical organization Antifa was involved at the protests. To learn more about this we've invited to speak with us Michael Yon, a war correspondent who has attended hundreds of protests, and who has deep insights into Antifa and their tactics.
Passionate about Jesus and politics. Love my husband, son and pups a ton! Singer, guitar player, bass player, hiker, biker, kayaker, rower, paddleboarder, IT Technician.