Rain Effects: Bow Bear doesn’t tree; because he doesn’t have the opportunity, but I am happy to say that he is packing on lbs./ chub reserves and is a happy bear He and the others are all approx. 9/10 months of age. (The others are fat & happy as well = Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper, Spirit, Kiedra, Thunder all continue to tree in the rains, real heavy thick fog, and potential high winds. I have been observing them as I would any other bear/bears, I have had prior to them that had an opportunity to climb (Note bears that have certain issues /health that could not climb is a different story, but all healthy developed bears that go into my 5 acres – I can observe extensively = rain effects/weather conditions, foraging patterns ,and several repetitive behavioral patterns; that they all have in sync ,but also Note: I observe bears individual behavioral differences extensive as well = individual patterns, and try to figure out why and how they behave in different scenarios…I never stop learning Lord Knowns, and when ever I think I know everything ;I clearly do not – Just saying, but I indeed know more than most /or I am right up there with others who are able to observe as much real time data as I do, and that # is few – whom will commit the time like I have over the years with diligence - Just saying…
(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns = with all my bears that can climb trees; they will indeed tree during these weather conditions All the bears I have had and continue to care for & observe / Research; they have all treed during the rain, very heavy winds, and other weather conditions- for where their senses are not good = it is a safety mechanism that I have documented for near 2 decades! Note: Everything I can witness I do - thus recording and photographing, writing, typing = Real time data research backed up I now have a tiny business Dawn L. Brown sole proprietor dba A Bears Second chance, and try to sell my photography of the very bears I care for and observe. I love telling their stories - The moments in time I have with amazing bears are to be reckoned, and they continue to teach me - I never stop learning and continuously try to figure out and understand; though the process can be difficult on occasion - for each bear has an individual animality
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown =
All my photos & video recording, stories, data are ©Dawn L. Brown = With either my name with My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – Photographer - recordings…