It's amazing how so many people simply don't understand how the mind works on a basic level.
If a parent is a drug addict, then that person is going to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Their mind is hard-wired that way due to the drugs, which in all actuality rewrites their DNA. Doing hard drugs will also physically change a person, which also rewrites their DNA. The same holds true for any given situation that rewrites one's DNA, whether the situation is good or bad.
When that parent gives birth, not only do the drugs, and the remnants of the drugs, transfers to the child, so does the rewritten DNA. Without realizing it, that parent has just successfully limited they're child with tainted DNA that expresses a negative outlook on life. There are only two ways that child can beat the odds, 1. That child is surrounded by people that will help rewrite their DNA as that child grows or 2. That child will have to realize the situation and rewrite their own DNA later in life.
Unfortunately, considering how corrupt and tainted society is, they feed off of the negative rewritten DNA of individuals. It is the perfect Hegalian Dialectic; problem, reaction, solution. Government, major corporations, charities, Big Pharma and everyone else in between perpetuates chaos in society then pops out like Captain Save-a-Hoe with a solution to the problems they created but they need more of our freedoms and money.
The powers-that-be want mentally primitive people incapable of critical thinking. They want to keep people sick; physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. People are easier to control this way.
Most people actually have no clue just how much power they possess physically, emotionally, mentally and and spiritually. They live their lives in dogma and will go to the ends of the Earth to protect and defend the very system that enslaves them. They put all of their faith and belief systems into these artificial man-made social constructs constructs. If something falls outside of their 5 senses, then in their eyes it is fake.
The only reason an individual cannot accomplish their goals is the trash talk they do to themselves. You have to understand that what lies before you and what lies around you, fails in comparison to what lies within you. If your goal is to stand out, then don't worry about fitting in. Liking yourself is a rebellious act in a society that profits off of self doubt.
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