Donald and Melania seek to offer acceptable sacrifices to Moloch.

Donald and Melania seek to offer acceptable sacrifices to Moloch.
The term "Easter" nor anything like the modern-day celebration of "Easter" can be found in the Bible. Jesus nor His Holy Apostles celebrated what we call today, "Easter". Constantine, the First, Emperor of Rome pushed "Easter" upon those church leaders that gathered together for the Council of Nicaea. It was and still is a pagan celebration, with many roots still seen in modern-day Easter Egg Hunts, etc. Constantine wrote a follow-up letter in which he praised the regional churches that adopted it over Passover. But, he was not happy with those that refused Easter, and wanted to keep Passover (Messiah in the Passover - Agapé Feasts). Many in the Middle-East refused it, because Easter is pagan. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not pagan, it is Biblical, but the very word, "Easter," itself comes from a pagan goddess Oestre (known elsewhere as Isis, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Ishtar, Aphrodite, etc.)
Here is the Link to Constantine's letter:
We have "Easter" today, not from the Bible, but from the Roman Emperor Constantine. How it is determined each year, hasn't changed since its pagan origins. It is NOT the same way that Passover is determined each year, BTW.
(NOTE: The KJV use of the word "Easter" in Acts 12 is erroneous. The Greek word for it is "Pascha" - which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word: "Pasach" -> Passover)
For more on this, please, watch and/or listen to my MythBusters Sermon Series on this subject:
God Bless y'all
Official UK ONS data shows the COVID vaccines didn't reduce your risk of death from COVID. Whoops!
It doesn't get any more obvious than this. And still, nobody in the mainstream media or medical community is speaking out? How long will they keep ignoring their own data?
#Nuremberg2 #WeTriedToWarnFolks
COVID-19 mRNA Injections Dangerously Reprogram the Immune System, Increasing Infection Risk
More mRNA doses → more IgG4 (↑11x) → higher risk of infection (↑1.8x)
#WeTriedToWarnFolks #TheC19JabsArePoisonousDeath #OperationWarpSpeed #Nuremberg2
Pfizer likely increased your all-cause mortality by at least 14%; Moderna was even worse at 20%
The cure was highly likely worse than the disease. Here's how we know.
#Nuremberg2 #OperationWarpSpeed #WeTriedToWarnYouAll
Sola Scriptura, Simply Biblical, Born Again Conservative Christian. Politically: Extremely Constitutional Conservative. <br> #DeSantis2024 #TeamSanity